MINUTES OF MEETING LAKE EMMA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Lake Emma Community Development District was held Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at the Cooper Memorial Library, 2525 Oakley Seaver Drive, Clermont, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum: Adam Morgan Chairman Tony Iorio Vice Chairman Doug Beasley Assistant Secretary Brent Kewley Assistant Secretary Also present were: George Flint District Manager, GMS Tucker Mackie District Counsel, Kutak Rock Khris Brown District Engineer, Dewberry Alan Scheerer Field Manager, GMS FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Flint called the meeting to order. Four members of the Board were present constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period There were no members of the public present to provide comment. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the October 25, 2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting Mr. Flint presented the minutes of the October 25, 2023 Board of Supervisors meeting and asked for comments, corrections, or changes. The Board had no changes to the minutes. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Beasley, with all in favor, the Minutes of the October 25, 2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting, were approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposal for Phase 3 Pond Landscape Maintenance Mr. Flint reviewed the proposal for Phase 3 pond landscape maintenance from Cherrylake totaling $10,164 annually. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Beasley, with all in favor, the Proposal for Phase 3 Pond Landscape Maintenance, was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Ms. Mackie had nothing to report. B. Engineer Mr. Brown had nothing further to report. C. District Manager’s Report i. Check Run Summary ii. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. Flint presented the check register from October 18, 2023 through January 17, 2024 totaling $631,596.42. Mr. Flint noted that the majority of the amount is transferring the debt service assessment revenue to the Trustee. The Board had no questions on the check register. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Kewley, with all in favor, the Check Register, was approved. Mr. Flint presented the unaudited financials through December 31st. He asked for any questions, there is no action required. Mr. Morgan asked if the construction funds had been exhausted, and Mr. Flint stated that there was $5,486. Mr. Flint stated that they could look at the last requisition to see if they provided expenses in excess of revenue. iii. Ratification of Series 2023 AA2 Requisition #2 Mr. Flint presented the Series 2023 AA2 Requisition #2 which was for engineering services for $2,240 related to preparation and finalization of the supplemental engineer’s report for completion of Phase 4. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Kewley, with all in favor, the Series 2023 AA2 Requisition #2, was ratified. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business There being no comments, the next item followed. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Business There being no comments, the next item followed. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment The meeting was adjourned. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Kewley, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman